October 31, 1989
     Halloween.  We had about 80 "Trick or Treaters".  Tony told me the
     Colts want Single Source to teach QICBASIC to another company that
     will be programming for them.  I told him a month ago to get the
     source code on the system so that I could get started on them.  I
     think this time he waited too long.  Kelli told me to stick up for
     "us" because I'm part owner too.

November 5, 1989
     This past week was not bad.  He seems to be handling multiple
     projects better but still not as efficiently is I would like. 
     Although he did clean up a number of projects on Friday at W & S. 
     He seemed interested in Novell.  Tony still wants to go to Comdex
     Nov. 16-20.  Gordon came in on Sunday.  We'll have to keep him


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